API Adapter?


We're in the process of changing over our lms from lumesse to success factors. When testing out a few of the courses we received this error repeatedly. Is anyone aware of the cause of this error? It never occurred in lumesse. Any help is appreciated.

Discussion (5)

More information needed. Lectora version, for starters. Are you publishing as AICC, SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004? Are there any LMS-related Actions on that page?

The LMS and the course "talk to" each other using an API (Application Programming Interface). Actions that interact with the LMS would be things like recording the score on a test, or retrieving the student's name from the server to display on the screen.

@CarlJFink Im using Lectora desktop v21. Yes I'm publishing as a SCORM 1.2, And this particular page was just explaining how to read the job hazard analysis document. Could you explain what you mean by lms related actions on this page?

It's difficult to pinpoint the cause with the information shared and without having access to the course or the test environment (LMS environment) and the way this course was configured there.

Here is what I would do as a first step, I would test the course in SCORM Cloud. if the course works there, then your LMS is the culprit; either how you configured your course there, or -potentially- an incompatibility between your installed version of Java and your LMS.

If the course didn't work in SCORM Cloud, then we need to look at the course and the published package as potential suspects. Happy to chat further at qaseer1@yahoo.com


To add to what @malqaseer3753 said: SCORM Cloud (https://rusticisoftware.com/products/scorm-cloud/) is a service at which you can open a free account, and upload courses for testing. ELB support often recommends it because it's free and extremely standards-compliant.