YouTube full screen button not showing in LMS
July 19, 2016 12:00 AM
I'm using Lectora 16.2 and I have a HTML object which contains IFRAME HTML to embed a YouTube video. The HTML includes the appropriate attributes to allow the "full screen" button to appear. This works as expected when I HTML preview and when I HTML publish but when the title is SCORM published and loaded onto an LMS the "full screen" button is disabled.
The button is disabled in IE, Chrome and Firefox.
When I examine the published HTML everything looks correct.
What do I need to do to get a YouTube video's "full screen" button enabled when the title is SCORM published and running in an LMS?
Discussion (22)
YouTube player requires every iframe that contains the player to include the "allowfullscreen" parameter. That includes the iframe that your LMS launches the course in. If it does not include that parameter, YouTube will not display the fullscreen button.
Interesting. Is there any way to take a peek (as a student) into the course hosted your LMS?
Ok, thanks for the info but could you tell where you added "allowfullscreen"?
Are they screen captures of some screen in your LMS? I have no access to whatever HTML the LMS generates to display the title and I doubt the client would be happy for anyone to edit files in the LMS.
It looks like I'm snookered :-(
I had the same issue, and Sergey is correct.
The LMS loads my scorm file as an iFrame, and the scorm file contains it's own iFrames (videos)
My video (Vimeo) would not display the full screen button unless I add the allowfullscreen line in myself.

An error/warning that the LMS gives that is probably relevant is:
Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('') does not match the recipient window's origin ('').
The funny thing if I create a SCO with a different tool then the full screen button is enabled.
At any rate as I have no access to whatever HTML the LMS generates to display content I guess that mean the button cannot ever be active
Thanks for that but could you please provide more detail as I can't get the full screen button to enable.
A search of the published output only turned up the IFRAME that contained the video (which did have the allowfullscreen attribute).
I added allowfullscreen as an attribute to all the frames in a001index.html and it made no difference.
I am pretty sure your LMS wraps Lectora content into an iframe of its own. So regardless of how many places you add allowfullscreen to in Lectora, the fullscreen button won't work until your LMS changes the way it wraps SCORM content. At least this is usually what is going on in cases like this. To confirm, launch the course from the LMS and inspect for any iframes that your LMS creates.
I am experiencing the same problem when embedding videos from Vimeo. The code to allow full screen is in my External HTML object, but when it is published to ReviewLink, the code has changed to not allow full screen. When I inspect the element in ReviewLink, I have the following code:
I'm 99.9% sure it's a Lectora issue.
When I SCORM publish (with the "LMS opens the course in a new window" option checked) from v.16 it creates an index html file that includes a FRAMESET with two FRAMES.
First, FRAMES are not valid HTML5 and, secondly, I needed to manually edit the index file to allow full screen video by replacing the FRAMESET with IFRAMES. It's a PITA because there's no template file to edit so I need to edit the page every time I publish a title.
I was able to find this issue because it had been reported previously. The development team included a fix in the latest version of Lectora 16.2.2 (came out yesterday). Can someone on this thread let me know if the issue is resolved once Lectora is on the latest version?
I've just installed 16.2.2 and I can confirm that full screen YouTube and Vimeo video does NOT work (I have SCORM 1.2 published the title).
I 99.999% believe the issue is a Lectora one.
The index.html file that Lectora 16.2.2 generates is a HTML5 file (it has the doc type undefined).
In HTML5, the FRAMESET and FRAME elements are obsolete are should not be used. See:
The Lectora generated index.html file includes FRAMESET and FRAME???
In my research, full screen video cannot be active until: FRAMESET and FRAME are replaced with IFRAMES with the attribute "allowfullscreen" (plus some appropriate CSS).
The guys at SCORM.COM helped me out with this workaround:
LMS publish the title and locate the ...index.html file
Open it with a text editor and at the bottom you should see
That's it! Now save and close the file.
In an LMS published title in which the LMS launches the title in a new window the full screen button will be active on YouTube/Vimeo videos.
Marcel, Lectora 17 now appears to no longer use frames/framesets so if you've LMS published your title and an embedded YouTube video is not showing an active full screen button then the LMS may be placing your title inside a frame. Talk to the LMS vendor and see if there's a way to add the allowfullscreen attribute to their frame.
hi, can you help me, i did it in the same way but it dont works.
greetings and thx, Marcel
Have to agree with @approg on this. Too little information to help.
Marcel, I've already said what I did to get it to work i.e. it works for me. Just saying it doesn't work for you provides no information that can be used to help you. You haven't said what LMS you're using, what version of Lectora you're using, whether your LMS opens courses in a new window, whether you actually tried what I suggested...
Sorry, my fault, i didn't see your answer.
I use Lectora 17.0.4 inspire and our LMS is ilias ( and the courses are opened in a new window.
have a nice day.
Hi Marcel,
here's a sample course with an embedded Youtube video built with Lectora 17.0.4.
The fullscreen button works when published to Scorm 1.2 in moodle 3.1 (new window), although moodle displays the course in its own frame. If it's not working for you, you should talk to your LMS Administrator.
Approg's solution worked for me in 2020!
The guys at SCORM.COM helped me out with this workaround:
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