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I write extensions to Lectora. Look at the post in the social lounge where I am allowed to mention the URL.The posted Testing Solution (version 2.0) allows you to have three styles of testing with a custom feedback box. 1 - normal Lectora action: evaluate answer and move to the next question; 2 - evaluate answer, remediate with a custom feedback box (using the text entered in the question feedback fields); or 3 - evaluate answer, remediate with a custom feedback box (using the text entered in the question feedback fields), add each missed question to the end of the question bank and repost all missed questions to the user until they are all answered correctly.I have just finished the newest version, adding an additional style: 4 - evaluate answer, remediate with a custom feedback box (using the text entered in the question feedback fields), proceed to the next question. Evaluate student performance based on passing grade, go to pass or failed page. If failed you re-enter the test retaking ONLY each missed question to the end of the FAILED question bank whereupon your perfromance is reevaluated and you either pass or fail. If you fail you start the failed process all over again until you answer enough questions correctly to get a passing score.

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