Reason to Upgrade

I have a client who is on Lectora v.11. They won't upgrade because, so they claim, the last time they did there were lots of bugs that caused them a massive loss in productivity. I've been using v.16 for a while now and it seems solid enough. How can I frame an argument to them, that counters their fear of bugs claim, about why they should upgrade?

Discussion (3)

Hm, if you don't know any arguments, maybe there's no need to upgrade ;-) Sorry, I've always been a big supporter of v11.

1. Responsive Course Design

2. Improved media player

3. v16.1.2 (it's not necessary to upgrade to latest version) is running very stable

4. v16.1.2 is working very well with titles created in v11. The longer you wait the more difficult it may become to convert titles to newer Lectora versions

5. Upgrading to v16 doesn't necessarily include uninstalling v11

Of course, I can't give any guarantees on any of these aspects...


Tim has some great points. I'll add inline variables in text fields to the list.


Sorry I didn't mean that I didn't want to upgrade. I am currently on v.16 but I'm having to maintain v.11 titles because the client (who does some in-house development) won't upgrade.

The argument that might work is "The longer you wait the more difficult it may become to convert titles to newer Lectora versions." Knowing they may be stuck with legacy software may be the spur they need.

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