RCD text styles
August 1, 2016 12:00 AM
Lectora 16 is RCD capable and has a way to set/use text styles (this is good).
A text style cannot be customized for a particular device eg. style Body Text is 12pt on desktop but I need it to be 16pt on phone portrait (this is not good).
I'd like to be able to define variations of one text style for each of the five RCD device types.
Discussion (4)
You can scale font size separately for each view without touching the actual underlying style. So instead of changing 12pt to 16pt, just change text scaling setting for that particular view from 100% to 130%. It is in the Home tab of every view except Desktop.
Agreed! Being able to include zoom levels per view into Lectora's style definition definitely sounds like a good idea for RCD moving forward.
Also, it'd be SUPER GREAT if it were possible to set zoom levels for MULTIPLE text boxes at once.
Yes, but instead of me having to go into every page for each device type and setting the font size appropriately (and then having to go into every page for every device type should the client change their mind) why can't we have a "five-part" style in which we can set the size for each device type?
It's not so different from what I do with media queries in CSS currently (when I hand code).
Em units would be nice. I'd also like to see exports produce standard external CSS using media queries.
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