Test Result Problem

I would like to know if anybody else is having this problem and if so what solution have they implemented to resolve it.

I have a test created in Lectora ver.10, published to scorm and it is configured to display a "Test Result" page at the end of the test. This is good feature I would like to use, it is configured by accessing the properties of the test section, and select the "Results" tab and check the box next to "Customized test results". Once you apply the changes then Lectora will generate the code automatically for the test result page. If one examines the code in the left hand window one will see a new subsection labeled "Test Results", additional changes can be made to the test report by accessing the properties of this "Test Results" section also, select the "Result Content" tab and select only what you want to be displayed on the report and apply your changes.

I have configured the test result page to do this:

1. Open in a Popup window

2. Show test score

3. Show Pass/Fail Status

OK, now that you have the background information this is my problem; When executed the test will complete OK, next the test result page will be displayed in a popup window and then a system message displaying the message "Unable to find API adapter" is displayed. At this time the system (SCORM) has not completed processing the data for the test result page because the student name, test score and pass or fail has not been displayed yet (although the report displays "fail" it is the default data being displayed currently).

OK, still with me so far... when you click the OK button on the "API error" message being displayed, another system message pops up displaying the message "Unable to locate the LMS’s API Implementation. LMSGetValue was not successful". When you select the OK button on this message the "Test Result" page will finish processing, the score and pass or fail will be displayed correctly however the student name will not be displayed at all.

After working with this problem for some time and with help from some of you here within the forum I have concluded the API error is derived from SCORM attempting to retrieve the student name. I have spoken with Trivantis tech support and the solution has eluded them as well; I do plan to re-address the problem with them soon. For the time being I'm not using this feature, a certificate page is displayed with the same information and the student can print it or not ( it works OK also). One item to note, I have added additional code to this section with an attempt to resolve the problem however when I make any changes at all other problems arise randomly. It's almost as if the code has a mind of its own. Trivantis tech support informed me that it is best to not make any changes to the code which doesn't help me to resolve the problem.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions and inputs

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