send to email (without mailto).

raugusto wrote:

how can i make my textfield "part of a Lectora form" ?To add a form elment into a form, drag the object into the form from the left hand pane. You will see the object become grouped with the form.

raugusto wrote:

could you detail a little more this "it will use the email server on the web site".Please see this KB article for more information on what is required for email submission:

raugusto wrote:

can i customize the the message (subject, add a cc, bcc, a body )?what will have in the 'From' field ? it´s the CURRENT user name ? (the ideal) , or a default from name?Unfortunatly, the subject and message cannot be customized. The body will always contain the fields filled out from the form. The from field will contain the email address the user fills in when prompted on the form page.If you wish to customize the email, this can be done by submitting the form to a script instead. The script could then have code to send an email out. There are many free script examples online, which may be useful.

Discussion (5)

If you make the entry field, where they enter their message, part of a Lectora form, the form can then be set to submit the data to an email address upon form submission. When published to html, it will use the email server on the web site to send the email and not the clients email program. The action on the button would be to "submit form."Edited By: aaron on 38299.4236921296

ok aaron. i putted the form in the left flow and dragged my entry text to it, it´s neasted to the form now.the option that i have to check is "Form Submition -> e-mail form" and provide a the destinatary email, is that correct?what about the parameter name/value in the form proprieties, should i put somethig there (like my entry text variable) ?what about the send button ? which action should be there ?i only put the "submit form" action and selected my form as target.. is that correct ?what this form action differenciates from the "submit variables values" action ? both i can set a can i submit the form to a script (a asp page) ? this can be done with entry text that are not associate with the form ?thanks for your time aaron.

raugusto wrote:

...the option that i have to check is "Form Submition -> e-mail form" and provide a the destinatary email, is that correct?Yes.

raugusto wrote:

what about the parameter name/value in the form proprieties, should i put somethig there (like my entry text variable)No. Any form objects attached to the form will automatically be sent in the submission. The parameters are for adding additional 'hidden' information with the form that you do not want to be accessable to the user.

raugusto wrote:

...i only put the "submit form" action and selected my form as target.. is that correct ?Yes, this will submit the form.

raugusto wrote:

what this form action differenciates from the "submit variables values" action ? both i can set a email.The 'submit variables' action will submit all of the varaibles in the title to a specified script or email address. To send to an email use mailto:emailaddress (only works with Lectora 2004 SP2 or higher.) A submit form action will only submit the variables associated with the form objects inside of the form.

raugusto wrote:

how can i submit the form to a script (a asp page) ? this can be done with entry text that are not associate with the form ?In the form properties, select the option to submit the form to a "CGI program" and then specify the address to the script in the box. Any type of script file may be used, including ASP.

hi aaron thanks for the quick answer, in fact this is what i´m doing. it´s giving a error message that i´m suposing it´s because it is not published in the server can i make my textfield "part of a Lectora form" ?could you detail a little more this "it will use the email server on the web site".i´m supposing that´s the Intranet company that represents trivantis here in brazil ( where all my courses will be. and there they will have a way/system/page that send´s the message.can i customize the the message (subject, add a cc, bcc, a body )?what will have in the 'From' field ? it´s the CURRENT user name ? (the ideal) , or a default from name?thanks again.sincerely, rodrigo.

hi all,i posted this in new users but i got no answers.i have a text field in my course that the student writes some stuff and then need to send it directly to a specific email.i put a button just below the text area. but i don´t know the action to send the email.i can´t use the "mailto:" solution because i can´t assume that all the machies has an email program properly configured. i think this solution requires that i use some server side (asp) page for send my email... but how to do that?how call a asp page and send to it my field´s text ? ( if this is the solution..) thanks.thnaks.

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