Lectora EXE course with expiration
June 20, 2016 12:00 AM
hi, I have Lectora 9.3 course thar was compiled as an EXE and will be distributed using a link to this file. It will run as a stand alone.
I need to be able to limit the course usage, after X days of use or after a certain date the course shows a message saying that th acess was not valid anymore.
Anyone knows how can I accomplish that ?
Discussion (7)
Are you able to edit the course files or do you only have the EXE to work with?
Hi Jennifer, thanks for the quick reply.
Unfortunately, what you are proposing is not really possible. You can add whatever time limit scheme you want (there are plenty) to the executable but it will at best only slow a novice down. Even if someone didn't want to go through the bother of cracking your time limit scheme or using a sandbox, what would prevent them from installing it on another computer?
If you can't host the lesson on a secure LMS then I would suggest that instead of providing a download link to an executable, you use a registration system like Advanced Security PHP Register/Login System on the site you were planning on hosting the file. Then deploy the lesson from there. You can then only allow those who are registered to view it and can revoke their access at any time. The author is very helpful, he helped me customize an install for a client. For $15 you get very good security. I do not recall if it was already built-in, but I'm sure he can provide customization that will automatically revoke access after a certain time frame.
By the way, even this is not 100% secure.
Hi, following your tips I manage to use the reseved variable CurrentDate.
I created a new page with the expired message and an action that checks if the CurrentDate is greater than dd/mm/yyyy. If true go to the expiration page.
thanks for your help.

Thanks for the reply Jennifer and Darrew,
I agree that there is no bulletproof solution on this, and if the person has enough time and resources, he can crack it. Thats alwyas the case. The point is to make it a little harder ;)
On the page that says the course has expired there is no navigation, so the user can not leave that page. If the user install it on another computer it will check for the date on that computer to check if the message appears or no.
Nonetheless, I will take a look into the system Darrew mentioned.
thanks all.
Good point Darrel! We talked about making your course "hack" proof in the session. I would suggest that when developing the course you try to test it with the mindset of a learner only focused on cheating the course. Can you use the back, next, or menu to wiggle your way around it? Etc.
I attended a LUC session where we ended up creating a page that looked at if you accessed the course after a certain number of days you were redirected to another page. You could definetly apply the logic to your course. Here's the article if you want to take a look: http://trivantis.com/blog/luc-2016-workshop-recap-sneaky-tricks/
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