can't get 'cmi.core.student_name' SCORM variable in lectora v9.x
July 30, 2009 12:00 AM
you can get the screenshoot here:
in my latest tests externalInterface still works, (flash player 10/ lectora v9a).
when i click a flash button it is able to show the std name, or the 'cmi.core.lesson_status' or the lesson_mode and populate an flash text box.
using the code to get an variable value:
var doGetValue = "LMSGetValue", _root.nomevar.text );
_root.nomevar1.text = doGetValue;
also, to set complete/incomplete the lesson_status, I'm using:
getURL("javascript:AICC_Lesson_Status.set('completed')", "_self");
this is to try some workaround in case externalInterface doesn't work. and it works too, setting completed/incomplete.
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