Importing Captivate files published as HTML5 into Lectora

I have been using Lectora and Captivate for years. Typically, I would simply publish the Captivate as a swf and import that into Lectora. However, we are now moving away from swf so our courses can be viewed on tablets. I now have Captivate 6, which allows you to publish to HTML5. So, how do I import the HTML5 files into Lectora?? I am using Lectora Inspire X.5.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Discussion (13)

I actually sent support an email today with this question because I'm having trouble with interactive Captivate SWF files in my project and thought I'd look into using the HTML 5 output instead. Below is my question and the response from support:

Question: Can you please tell me how to add an HTML 5 object (an interactive

computer simulation) in place of a SWF file? The Add Animation tool does

not seem to allow for the HTML 5 file type.

Response: You would have to accomplish this via external HTML code, and that is something we do not support, external code if you decide to go that route.

@CandaceID 47961 wrote:

So does this version of Captivate export to a series of HTML pages? Or another video format such as wmv or mov?

There only video format I can see for publishing options is MP4. I tried that and it didn't work. The interactions wouldn't work and the screen went gray in the middle of it.

When I publish to HTML 5, it creates a folder and inside the folder is a series of folders, an index.html file and a project.js file.

The folders are:






So does this version of Captivate export to a series of HTML pages? Or another video format such as wmv or mov?

@ssneg 47965 wrote:

Put it in an iframe on Lectora page. Use HTML object to create the iframe.

I tried this but it didn't work. However, I'm pretty sure I'm doing it wrong. I've never worked with iframes or HTML5 before. Could you please give me a few more directions on how to do this? Thanks!

Put it in an iframe on Lectora page. Use HTML object to create the iframe.

Sure, but I don't have any HTML5 Cap output available at this time, so if you create and publish a sample Cap project and share it with me, I'll be able to integrate it with Lectora and share back.

@hem99004 47986 wrote:

1. Publish your Lectora project (so you have an html or scorm folder - for this example I used html)

2. Publish your captivate project to HTML 5. It creates a folder with the html5 output in it. I name that folder something like "Activity1"

3. Move that folder into your Lectora-created html folder. You can point captivate to always publish to this location if you wish.

4. On your lectora page, add a new external HTML object and put this code:

replace 'Activity1' - with your captivate-published folder name that you copied to the Lectora created HTML folder. Change your width and height to whatever works best. I have mine set to show no frame, you can change that to a '1' if you want to show a border.

To test this you will have to publish to HTML from Lectora and view the output. Note that this will only work when publishing to a web based option - cd and exe wont' work.

Hope that helps!


Thank you so much for these instructions! They were extremely helpful! I was able to embed the Cativate files into Lectora. However, when I publish and preview it, the interaction is there but no sound. Any ideas?

But I'm a lot closer than I was, so thank you!!


1. Publish your Lectora project (so you have an html or scorm folder - for this example I used html)

2. Publish your captivate project to HTML 5. It creates a folder with the html5 output in it. I name that folder something like "Activity1"

3. Move that folder into your Lectora-created html folder. You can point captivate to always publish to this location if you wish.

4. On your lectora page, add a new external HTML object and put this code:

replace 'Activity1' - with your captivate-published folder name that you copied to the Lectora created HTML folder. Change your width and height to whatever works best. I have mine set to show no frame, you can change that to a '1' if you want to show a border.

To test this you will have to publish to HTML from Lectora and view the output. Note that this will only work when publishing to a web based option - cd and exe wont' work.

Hope that helps!

You may need to run from a web server for it to work!

BTW, with Captivate 6 output to only MP4 and HTML5, can you still play with variables and output the results to Lectora? We don't have Captivate6 yet.

@hem99004 47996 wrote:

Hi Charity - I just tried it in mine and the sound is working. Run the activity by itself and make sure you can hear sound (I'd run it right out of the folder you copied into the Lecotra created HTML) if you hear sound there - you should hear it when you publish Lectora...

It’s weird. If I run it out of the folder that Captivate originally generated, it all works just fine, including audio. If I try to run it out of the Lectora created html folder that I copied it into, it doesn’t run at all – I just get a big gray screen.

Hi Charity - I just tried it in mine and the sound is working. Run the activity by itself and make sure you can hear sound (I'd run it right out of the folder you copied into the Lecotra created HTML) if you hear sound there - you should hear it when you publish Lectora...

Does anybody still have the code that was attached in this thread? It would be very useful to me.



It appears to be: "

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