can't get 'cmi.core.student_name' SCORM variable in lectora v9.x

hi greg, thanks for the quick reply.


as I saw it I started some tests couse I haven't heard about the externalinterface call with FP10

in my tests I was able to get the student_name or change the lesson_status from flash using the following commands:

bt1.onRelease = function(){
var doSetValue = "LMSSetValue", "cmi.core.lesson_status", );

bt2.onRelease = function(){
var doGetValue = "LMSGetValue", _root.nomevar.text );


double checked FP version and it's 10. if this was a flash player problem it would occur with both versions I think.


this last test were published with lectora V9a AND WORKED (I mean I was able to set/get the values differently from the behavior I was having yesterday....still trying to figure this out...



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