Track overall course progress on tests with variables
August 19, 2015 12:00 AM
Looking for some insight on setting up a page to track overall progress. Course has seven modules and users must score at least 80% on each to earn certificate. I have test results showing as user finishes test. I would like that window to close and take user to progress page. Totally lost with the part about creating variables.
Thanks in advance,
Discussion (7)
Hi Dawne,
Could you maybe use Lectora's built in Status Indicators? If you haven't used them before, here is a short video that explains them.
The example in the video shows how to automatically set the completion status based on page views. But you can also set the status of status indicators based on any condition (such as Test_Score is greater than or equal to 80) with the Set Completion Status action as well.
Another thing you could do is to use a Progress Bar object with it's Type set to Table of Contents to track overall progress. Or you can set the type to Custom and use the Set Progress Bar Position action to manually set it to any position you want.
Here are a couple of webinar videos from the Knowledge Base that go into more depth about progress tracking too.
Hope this helps.
Thanks, Wendy, I tried that but it didn't work. I submitted a support ticket, too, and was told that method wouldn't help. :(
Then maybe I don't quite understand what it is you're trying to do. In what way are you wanting to show the progress? Could you possibly attach and upload your title?
Nice course! Now I think I see what you want. A Lectora title is worth 1000 words! :)
I added a bunch of actions to your Progess page to do what I think it is you want. (See attachments.) First, I added the ShowTestStatusAsText action group that contains a series of actions that change the contents of those empty text fields based on the score of each quiz. Then I created a user-defined variable (_totalQuizScore) in which to add up all the quiz scores. Then I added another action group called Calculate_totalQuizScore that contains the actions for adding up all of the quiz scores. The last action in this group triggers one more action group, ShowTestTubeSegmentsAndPrintButton, which shows the blue segments in the test tube based on the value of _totalQuizScore and shows the PrintCertificate button if the score is >= 560. Oh, and there are two OnShow actions at the root of the page that trigger the ShowTestStatusAsText action group and Calculate_totalQuizScore action group.
Is this the kind of thing you were looking for?

Hi Wendy,
On the progress page, you'll see a test tube that will "fill" as users successfully complete each module's quiz with a score of at least 80%. I put actions on the module names in the main body of the screen so you could see what I'd like to happen. There are empty text boxes next to each module name that will display "complete" or "pending" depending on whether they have taken and passed each quiz with the visual indicator. If it helps, they need to get an overall total score of 560 (80 on each quiz) out of 700 possible points. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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