supressing the Failed message in a test

"I’m assuming the grading script can’t be easily changed to be able to adjust that verbiage " is incorrect if you are using 2006. With 2006 you can easily change that FAILED text. Pull down the Files menu and select Preferences. Click on the Published Strings tab and scroll down just a few. There you can change it to whatever you want.If you like you can certainly get the test score and put it in a text box. The variable name for the test is the name of that you gave it. To see it as a variable, select Manage Variables from the Tools menu and you will see it there. You can then insert it into a box.As to the separate scores, you can break a test into sections. Best explained in the User Guide. Simply create a test. Click on the test level item in the left pane and then click on the Add Test Section button just to the right of the Add Test button. Each section will have a separate variable. See this via Manage Variables mentioned above.See if the test section capability solves all your problems. If not, please post back here.cheers, benEdited By: bpitman on 2006-4-1 8:43:4

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