a popup, a popup, my kingdom for a popup

?í¬? I was actually wondering who was going to call me out on the excessive clicky-ness of my plan. I actually tend to agree that a roll-over would be better. I pitched that plan to the boss as my original intent with the quicktips and she seemed a bit nervous about our target audience being able to hold their mouse in place. Normally I would play the ¬°¬ßI¬°¬¶m the web design expert in the hawian shirt who knows about usability¬°¬® card and tried to talk my way out of the clicky-ness with it being bad for usability, but I¬°¬¶m new here and thought it best not to argue that point just yet. The decision was made to use the clicky version so we¬°¬¶re going to run with it, and it¬°¬¶s really splitting hairs anyway IMHO.I saw your post with the newbie tutorial you put up there (very good stuff btw) on my initial search before posting this to the board. I looked at the popups stuff and plan on going back and looking at the rest of the content later. The process 1 example is pretty close to what I¬°¬¶m looking for, but I¬°¬¶d like to have a graphic background loaded behind the text. It just looks nicer. The process 2 and 3 both use separate popup windows which I will fight tooth and nail to avoid if at all possible. Not only does IE 6.x suppress the popups, but MANY other products on the market will automatically suppress them as well. With unsavy tech users that simply boils down to folks not getting to see the information. Alas, we have v5 (I¬°¬¶m told what amounts to version 2004) with an upgrade on the way. I know the functionality I¬°¬¶m looking for is possible because, frankly, I saw it in the online Lectora training we¬°¬¶re signed up for and I want to have that same functionality for our users. I know it works the way I want it to, I¬°¬¶m just not sure how to do that quite yet in Lectora. I¬°¬¶m in contact with Jenny Green who is the instructor for the online course and is helping to iron the issue out as well.To answer your biggest question, It¬°¬¶s really not all as complicated as it seems when described in writing. The user goes to a standard content page and off to the side they see an icon/button that says ¬°¬ßQuick Tips¬°¬® they click on that and it brings up a nice graphic box (button in lectora) with the tip for that page. There¬°¬¶s a little grey X in the upper left corner of that box that says ¬°¬ßclose¬°¬® that they can hit when they¬°¬¶re done reading. In reality they can hit anywhere in that box and it will close the quick tip, but I feel a close X is important because folks are used to seeing one. Thank you very much for the tip about the library. I¬°¬¶m quite familiar with library use from Dreamweaver and will absolutely use any similar features Lectora has to offer.I¬°¬¶ll keep you folks posted on my progress as I get this figured out. Any additional input is absolutely welcome too.Note to self: MS Word copy and paste does funky things with punctuation in this forum. Edited By: merddyn2002 on 2006-3-2 14:26:32

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