pinpointing a problem object.

Thanks for including the version of Lectora. That helps. "Back" is the name you have on the object in left pane -- usually the name of an action or a button. If you are seeing this in the Publish progress window. how many times do you see this message? I ask because if it is inherited, then you would see a message for EVERY page! If only once, double click on the line red or blue line in the publish window and it usually highlights the offending object in the left pane. If not, when do you see this message?Your statement "I gather that “Back” is referring to a named button called Back that’s on every single one of my pages as part of the inherited navigation system. What I can’t seem to figure out is WHICH back button has a problem." confuses me. If you have inherited it, then there is only ONE button/action in Lectora that you need to fix. (Yes, when published to HTML there is one on every page.)Do you have a unique button on each page? You can also try this. Copy the course folder. Open the .awt file and delete all the pages. Add 3 blank pages. Exclude the Previous page button from the first page. Exclude the Next page button from the last page. Publish. Do you still have the error? If so, it is likely in the Navigation buttons that you have at the title or AU level. If not, then it is something on one of the pages in the course. If it is on one of the pages, look on the page just before or just after this message as displayed in Publish progress window.Hope this helps. ben

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