a popup, a popup, my kingdom for a popup

Hey, that is a GOOD thought. I had forgotten re. popup suppression. Now, back to your problem. Look at the solution in my posting for Popup Box with OK / Cancel buttons. It gives you most of what you want but here is the Lectora 2005 solution. Add the following actions to let's say the text box:On Hide, Hide background graphicOn Hide, Hide close buttonOn hide, Hide the text box itselfand On Show, Show Background, On Show, Show close button.Now where you want (sounds like the text box and the close button, attach an action that is On Click, Hide Text Box. As it hides, it hides everything else. On the button to show the tip, just Show the Text box. It will show everything else.Done! benEdited By: bpitman on 2006-3-2 14:49:23

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