a popup, a popup, my kingdom for a popup

Howdy folks.I’d like to apologize in advance if this question has been asked and answered elsewhere. I did a bit of poking around and searching but didn’t find an exact answer. I’m new to Lectora, but not web design or online course development so I have a good understanding of most of the concepts involved in Lectora. I’m trying to set up an official template for our facility for other Lectora users here to use. As part of this template I’m trying to design in an easy way to make pop-ups (quick tips / key info type of popups) that non-technically oriented folks can set up easily. I understand in Lectora there are two main methods for this, a javascript pop-up opening another window or using buttons to hide/reveal a hidden text box. I’m trying to use the hide/reveal method because I think it may be easier for some of our users to set up.I've created a graphic with nice rounded corners I want to use for my box containing the tooltip. I have set that graphic on a page where I want it to appear. It’s set up as a button that when clicked will hide itself. It’s also set to initially invisible. I have another button on the page that you’ll click on to see the quicktip (set to reveal the rounded corner button). That gives me a toggle on and off functionality.What I’m trying to figure out is how to get the test on the graphic. I can obviously embed the text in the image but that’s not a good option as I’m sure it won’t be searchable/indexed in the course (if there is such a feature) and it will require the use of a graphic editor for my end users to change/add text or create their own popups. My natural thought was to have a text box with the info I wanted displayed in the rounded corner graphic to set on top of the graphic and to set the button that reveals the quicktip to also reveal the text box, basically revealing both. Then have the rounded corner quicktip button not only hit itself on click but hide the text box as well. I’m not seeing the functionality to hide/reveal multiple items on click. So, how do I set this up easily for my users? Keep in mind that some of these folks rarely have any experience outside of powerpoint so the concept of different buttons to hide/reveal may be difficult enough for them to grasp w/o involving scripts that write messages to text boxes. Ideas?

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