Stop Animation

I'm using Lectora 2006 Enterprise. I have 2 flash animations on the page. The first animation starts playing automatically. I have a button setup to STOP the 1st animation 'on click'. I also have an action attached to the button that set is to PLAY the 2nd animation 'on click'. I've done this before with success, but it doesn't seem to work consistently. Can anyone tell me why this would be? The flash files are simple files that simply contain an audio clip.I'm using Lectora 2006 Enterprise. I have 2 flash animations on the page. The first animation starts playing automatically. I have a button setup to STOP the 1st animation 'on click'. I also have an action attached to the button that set is to PLAY the 2nd animation 'on click'. I've done this before with success, but it doesn't seem to work consistently. Can anyone tell me why this would be? The flash files are simple files that simply contain an audio clip.

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