Screen Reader inserting Lectora Course Name into various pages and buttons
October 20, 2020 12:00 AM
I have a few courses where my JAWS reader seems to be consistently adding the Lectora "Course Name" into not just page loads, but also after button selections. At first I thought it was due to a course from updated from L18 to L19, but was able to replicate this anomaly in courses native L19 too. It is also present whether published to HTML local copy or SCORM on LMS.
I've attached a sample file where I was easily able to replicate the issue. To make it easy to identify, I made the course name "It should not be reading this course title". Note that there are other (known) Lectora reading order issues where content is skipped arbitrarily.
These courses are already bouncing back from our accessibility testing group with comments such as, "The title of the course is re-iterated on every interactive control in the course. Please remove this verbosity." ...having us panicked on our looming deadline.
Any insights?
Pages (in my JAWS screen reader) read as:
Title P1
On page load reads "'It should not be reading this course title' frame/button"
(will read "'It should not be reading this course title' button" is using Tab navigation rather than mouse)
Title P2
On page load reads "'It should not be reading this course title' frame/button"
Skips title.
Title P3
On page load reads "'It should not be reading this course title' frame/button"
Starts reading on last paragraph.
Title P4
On page load reads "'It should not be reading this' course title frame/button"
On Submit click "It should not be reading this' button"
Title P5
On page load reads "'It should not be reading this course title' frame/button"
Skips content of course and only reads "Group end, Submit button not available, Next button Unavailable End"
When tab backed up to select a radio option and Submit, "It should not be reading this title course title That's incorrect"
Title P6
On page load reads "'It should not be reading this course title' frame/button"
Skips reading content
When tab backed up to select a radio option and Submit, "It should not be reading this title course title That's incorrect"
Title P7
On page load reads "'It should not be reading this course title' frame/button"
Skips title
Discussion (6)
I was actually able to force new text to be read by JAWS as the CourseName by manually editing the Published index.html file.
By changing the 'frame title' of the 'contentframe' to something like "bla bla bla" it would read by JAWS this way on the load of every page of the course, including every button selection (Submit click would read as "bla bla bla That's incorrect." when revealing the incorrect text block).
But why would it be reading me the Frame Title at every page-load and interaction in the first place?
I'm mystified.
frameset id="trivTitleMgrFrameset" rows="0,*" border="0" frameborder="0" framespacing="0" onResize="ReFlow()"
frame title="CourseName" name="titlemgrframe" src="titlemgr.html" resize="no" scrolling='no' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0' /
frame title="bla bla bla" name="contentframe" src="content.html" resize="no" /
Mystify... Mystify Me... INXS but not Accessibility Please!
I need perfection, not twisted selection...
Anyway, I think it reads the frame title when that frame gets focus, so it seems something must be affecting the focus, maybe JAWS. I would be interested to know if it happens with NVDA, I will try that with your example in a moment.
I'll also have QA look at this and see if they have any insight, and if we can reproduce it we will get you a workaround shortly and look into fixing it. We haven't changed anything there in a long time, but it's possible some other change or platform (browser, JAWS, etc) might be affecting it.
More soon.
- Joe
I should add, this is Published with HTML Option to "Include Title Manager Frame" (same as it would Publish Title to SCORM). Therefore, it loads in my Chrome with a local host (http://localhost:3750/PREVIEW/). Selecting an individual html file from within the published folder does not read the Course Name text, but this is not how the course can be viewed, especially when SCORM Published over an LMS.
Hi Darrell @Web-Foley
This has us puzzled as to why it hasn't been an issue before. We did hear the title name read, but only on the load of the page, and then when tabbing to the first button (which doesn't sound right). I do have something for you to try since you are seeing something a little different.
Following your analysis we wrote a script that removes the title from the frame. Can you try it and let us know what result you see?
Add a HTML Extension object at the title level of type Custom DIV and set it to Initially hidden.
Edit the HTML Extension and put in the following:
See the attached screenshot.

When I started using Lectora years ago, I read it somewhere or learned from someone to always un-check "Include Title Manager Frame" for my accessible titles. I also check "Convert page names..." Since I followed this rule, I didn't have any issues with our "rigid" accessible team!
Hope that helps,
Thanks guys!
@wheels - Joe, this is a better fix (the HTML extension) then I was fearing which would have been editing the index.html file manually at each re-publish/edit... and I'm sure our course maintenance team would thank you too.
@tmichael9734 - for us and our required SCORM publish that's a default/set to always have the “Include Title Manager Frame”... It's likely why I never noticed during my builds as I was doing a straight HTML publish. Ugg.
Just and update into my newbie late night research, I was also able to stop the Frame being read on page load using JAWS via the JAWS settings, there are some HTML verbosity levels that allow for deeper customizations, including not reading the Frame on page load. It's a bit tricky when you don't exactly know what the audience has set for their JAWS preferences, and I guess by default they were on. Frames can apparently be quite useful for accessibility when used for things like describing menu.html pages etc., but when used as a container which has the potential to be read by screen readers it may be confusing or irritatingly repetitive. I learned a wee bit more about them last night (
The only lingering question (at this point) is to ensure it does not try and read the Frame name on every button interaction. My last outstanding mystery. I'll keep this thread posted if the fix doesn't rectify that too.
As usual, I appreciate the support! Thanks again.
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