Status Indicator without a discrepancy for Accessibility

The Status Indicator has a discrepancy for Accessibility

When developing using the Status Indicator element Jaws accessibility reader reads as follows:

"StatusIndicatorName" Completed Graphic

"StatusIndicatorName" In-Progress Graphic

"StatusIndicatorName" Not Stated Graphic

If the design requirement is only to show a completed status to the learner (or even something like not including the In-Progress) then the Status Indicator Properties Recourses can have the In-Progress and/or Not Started set to "None". However, it will still read to an accessibility reader.

Ideally the reader should only be reading when a graphic resource has been chosen. If none is selected the tag should be set to NOT read.

If it is an all or nothing then why would it allow you to have NO Resource selected for any? And why not prompt either a Publish error/warning or Accessibility Check error/warning? Obviously, the ideal outcome would be to mimic the visual learners experience, read if image is set, otherwise set to not read for those Status states set to None.


Discussion (1)

Thanks for this I will write this up for Product Management to review!

- Joe