Reports for incomplete status


The current reporting process provides information when users have completed a course or module. However, to send alerts and reminders, it is often necessary to know which learners have not completed the course. Is there a report or way to run a report showing the following,

• A report that captures the status of all learners (e.g., completion, in-progress, not started).

• A report that captures the status of learners who have not completed the course/module.

Is there a way to filter and reenroll only the learners who have not started or not completed a course or module?

Thank you,


Discussion (1)

Q: "A report that captures the status of all learners (e.g., completion, in-progress, not started)"

Q: "A report that captures the status of learners who have not completed the course/module"

A for both Q: Reports will be available for users who are enrolled in a course. If you navigate to the "Reports" tab as an Admin, then you'll see an "Enrollment" section on the left hand side of your screen. There you can select "Completion." This report will show you all users enrolled in a course with their progress and past log in.

Additionally, in reference to your mention of sending reminders, to add “due soon” and “past due” notifications, navigate to the “Content” tab on the admin portal. Select “Open” for an enrollable course and then select the “edit” button. However, if the toggle under “Allow Users to Enroll” is set at “No”, the rest of the enrollment settings like the due date reminders will not be visible. Toggle this setting to “Yes” to make the course enrollable.

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