"Scrolling" calendar function

I feel like this may be a huge stretch, but I'm hoping for some thoughts/ideas on how to recreate the "scrolling" calendar functionality you see on your typical travel website, for example. Part of me figures if it can be done in HTML5, there should be a way to do it in my course.

That said, I'm perfectly fine with telling the learner that it works that way rather than having it interactive, but if I can, it would be fantastic. I'm not sure that the ROI for time to impact will be there, though.

Discussion (5)

That would do the trick quite nicely. It looks a bit beyond my knowledge and time limitations at this point, but is definitely going into the developer bookmarks for a later iteration of my course.

Thanks, Darrel!

I think you may be referring to the Datepicker widget in jQuery UI.

Hi Jason,

Sergey @ssneg has implemented something similar here that you can download and possibly use.



Got it, understand how it is implemented in Lectora.

Question: Where on the jQuery site do you find the specific .js and css file?

I can see you have the jquery.js, then the specific jquery-ui.min.js and css.


Are the ui documents downloaded from the below and just toggle datepicker widget? Unfortunately, I cannot download from that page yet to check.



Hi Nick,

It appears that you can download all of the resources Sergey used in his example from that page, although the css and min.js files look like they are a bit newer. The jquery.js file appears to be the same.

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