Move action not absolute?
April 3, 2017 12:00 AM
Is the Move action in Lectora an absolute position or a relative position? I'm working with the Move action triggered on different buttons to move a text box to different locations in the course. However, each move action is offset from the x-y position I have in the move action. I'm also unable to get it to work with the values set in a RunJS or using a fixed variable as the x-y in the move action.
Does it have something to do with the fact that the object is nested in a table so the position is based on the x-y of the table cell position? I'm stumped on this one.
Discussion (8)
It has always been difficult to use "Resize" and "Move to" at the same time... In my last test, I received better results if the "Resize" action comes before the "Move to" action.
You can use variables for both actions and use javascript to set the variables, but you can of course Modify the variables with standard action as well.
I, like Math, suggest using GSAP for any animation other than the most basic.
The order of the actions did make a difference - I added a .1 delay to the move, because it looked a little off otherwise. Thanks, Tim.
I've seen GSAP mentioned quite a bit - I'll hopefully be able to look at it more once this massive project is done and I have a slight breather. 2 down, 4 to go!
Actually im working on a sample to show GSAP TimelineMax for more complex animation sequences. Part of my Patreon series of course that i hopefully can open soon. Busy with projects at the moment, i do hope to finish it soon and show here...
I for one will definitely be looking forward to your TimeLineMax sample. I've been trying to figure out to get Lectora to interact with it. The GSAP instructs to create a variable with a new timeline and then use methods to manipulate it. It's not working for me.
As part of the Patreon course im developing GSAP will be explained and shown a lot. Quite a few of the lessons will be about sequencing using TimelineMax. Although not ready yet sharing here and now a first setup for that lesson at least showing how to use GSAP and TimelineMax in Lectora. In the final lesson a lot more info and explanation will be about how and what of GSAP and TimelineMax.
As i am working on creating setups that make it easy to edit animations inside Lectora..check the way i did that in this sample. Using both the x/y position of images for end and startpoint for the animations. Move the blue crosses to another location and you see what i mean...
As said, the Javascript i will explain better in my Patreon course. For now when checking the .awt... 2 external objects... 1 for the javascript libraries ( not all needed here and now ) and 1 for the external JS-file (timelineMaxSequence.js)
When you check that one... basically the function playSequence does all the work.
Hey Math, wouldn't it be nice if Lectora let you create add-ons that would appear on, say, the insert ribbon? One could create some new feature eg. animation using GSAP, and then integrate it with a Lectora element via a "normal" Lectora dialog: "You want some funky animation? Drop in this add-on, select insert [the] add-on, follow the on screen instruction and click ok".
Trivantis would only need to make a suitable API and the responsibility for the add-on would lie solely with the developer. New features could be added to Lectora without having to wait for Trivantis to build them, QA them, document them, provide support for them...
Currently I'm writing stuff in JavaScript and then having to make calls to setup and initialise them. When I pass them on to other developers they are sometimes making errors (even though my documentation is comprehensive) that a decently designed dialog box would prevent.
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