Blank TOC - Tree View and Indented List
June 16, 2021 12:00 AM
I have a title in v19.0.4 where if I use a Tree View or Indented List Table of Contents, it is completely blank with a white background when I publish as HTML. This is in both Firefox and Chrome. The TOC works as expected if I use Run or Preview within Lectora or preview in browser.
If I change it to a drop-down style, it works and shows all the chapters and pages. I am thoroughly stumped by this, as I've tried a ton of variations on the publish methods (I can NOT used seamless play, so I have not tested that). I've published with or without lightboxes, the title manager, scaling, no scaling, with responsive, without responsive, and I simply cannot get it to work. It happens regardless of whether the TOC is initially hidden or initially visible.
This is a sample that's a little robust, so I've unhid the TOC to start and kept the button that hides/shows it. HELP! :)
Discussion (2)
Are you publishing this to a web server, or using it from a local/shared drive? The reason I ask - I tested putting the published html on a web server and it worked fine (but running it from my local drive showed a blank TOC).
I was only going to the local drive and hadn't yet had the chance to test on a server or an LMS - I had to get it up for primary testing before having a chance to do so. I'd never experienced this publishing locally prior to this version.
That said, I wonder what would cause the local version to crap out like this. I expect some things will based on varying admin policies, anti-virus, etc., but when it happens across multiples, it feels like a publishing question rather than a local disk question.
Thanks for testing that out! I might push it to ReviewLink with the actual TOC and see if it's just a fluke with the local publishing.
Are you publishing this to a web server, or using it from a local/shared drive? The reason I ask - I tested putting the published html on a web server and it worked fine (but running it from my local drive showed a blank TOC).