Multiple media and captions

I've run into an issue with some of my functions/actions/customizations for my audio player and captions. This is based on the forum where I posted a customized set of audio player buttons with a CC button that should start captions based on a RunJS with the help of many of you.

I've found that this does not work when I have a video file on the page as well. I'm attaching an example where I have the audio and video, but the captions will not update from None to en on the button click. Using the CC button on the player works. This also has some custom CSS that originally had the CC button on the player hidden.

The JS on the button is:



} else {



I'm thinking that it may be possible to have the JS target the actual media file and this would correct it, but I'm not entirely sure how to do that with my lack of JS experience. Help! :)

Discussion (1)

Once again, one of the simplest solutions worked - I moved the audio player and custom buttons above the video in the title manager and it's working. I'm going to have to test tab order, but I think it's not optimal, since realistically the audio buttons are "navigation" buttons and should come later in the tab order.


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