Publish to CD not accepting External HTML

I have a course that integrates Flash files, turns audio on/off, and displays a transcript on screen that it reads from the flash files. When I try to publish this course to CD, I get the following error, "External HTML objects cannot be published to CD". So how does a Lectora course get published to CD if it doesn't allow the course to speak to the flash files?

Below is an example of one of the scripts. The Object Type is "Header Scripting":

function set_transcript(on_off){

var allElements = document.getElementsByTagName('*');

var flashObj;

for( var i = 0; i < allElements.length; i++ ) {

if( != -1) {

flashObj =, "");




swfObj = eval(flashObj);




Is there additional code that needs to be included that allows Lectora to read information in the Flash file?

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