Add to Dictionary Not Working

Has anyone received the following error message when trying to add a word to the Lectora dictionary:

Unable to add word to SSCE User Lex File "USERDIC.TLX" (rc=-24)

I am using Windows 7, IE8, Lectora X6. This is a recent problem. I get the error message everytime I select a word and right-click and choose "Add to Dictionary".

Discussion (3)

@bhphilly 50581 wrote:

Has anyone received the following error message when trying to add a word to the Lectora dictionary:

Unable to add word to SSCE User Lex File "USERDIC.TLX" (rc=-24)

I am using Windows 7, IE8, Lectora X6. This is a recent problem. I get the error message everytime I select a word and right-click and choose "Add to Dictionary".

Yes, I am getting the same error. Did you find a resolution?

I have not gotten a resolution. I wonder if Lectora is even supporting the previous version (Lectora X).

I'm experiencing this error in version 12.1.1.

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