Pathlore and audio player

I'm uploading a course to Pathlore LMS and have come up against an issue that makes me a bit nervous. The course has a customized closed caption button outside of the player taking the place of the button on the audio player. The button shows or hides captions using a RunJS written with a substantial amount of help.

The button works as expected in preview mode with Lectora, preview in browser with Internet Explorer, but not when the course launches through the LMS (tested in IE and Firefox).

I did a quick inspect element using Firefox through the LMS and noticed that when I clicked on the button, it threw an error "TypeError: document.getElementByID(...) is null" and shows the action name when I expand the error.

I'm currently uploading the HTML version to test again to see what it is, but my expectation is that it should work if the preview in browser works.

Edit: It also looks like it's having an issue with the trivantis-media.js file - There's a second error with the same text coming from an action group I have setup to set the state of the captions to on or off.

Discussion (1)

I finally tracked down the specific issue I was having with the caption situation. The custom button was NOT the problem.

I narrowed the problem down to the captions file attached to the audio. After much experimenting, it looks like Pathlore is not a fan of SRT files, at least not SRT files from Camtasia. I converted the file to XML and tweaked my audio customization and it started working.

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