Cannot Select Radio Button

We're working with Lectora 12 and came across an issue on a question added to a chapter in our module.

We're using a multiple choice question with 5 choices that are randomized. When we Run or Preview the module, we are unable to select the first answer displayed on the page. I've poured over the options and gone through everything from point values to page layouts to feedback options and cannot figure out what's causing this.

I can create a new question and duplicate everything from the page (not copy or move) and the questions work fine. Any assistance is appreciated! Zip file is attached.

Discussion (6)

Hello Jason,

This is Fred from Trivantis support. We will reviewed your files and found that other content on the page was interfering with the radio button in that position. If you select the question to be "Always on top" then you can select all radio buttons. Let us know if you have any other questions.



I am also having a strange radio button issue.

In my assessment I have selected the Multiple Choice question sytle with four possible answers. I copied the question 24 more times and adjusted all of my questions and answers. When I test in preview mode all radio buttons work. But after publishing as SCORM 2004 and testing with SCORM Cloud, some of the radio buttons do not display the click view. I'm not sure if it's just not displaying or if it's not recording the click. I know this is not a Cloud.Scorm issue, because the same think happens when I publish in Trivantis ReviewLink.

If someone from Lectora support could provide an email address I can send an invite to my ReviewLink.


Steven Nagy

Rogers Communications - Learning


We would want to look at your project. Send an email to and direct it to me (Fred) and we can work through this.



Glad that worked. Let us know if you need anything else.

Thanks, Fred! I was very close when I was troubleshooting it - I was using "Bring Forward" and "Always on top" just on the button and hadn't thought of doing it to the whole question.

The fastest way to get in touch with them is by email

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