SCORM test questions

Hi, we are using Enterprise Edition 2005 and have had some problems with a test - not sure whether they are test design/user interface/instruction issues, or something we are doing wrong in the programming, but the net result is we have had at least one user submit a test and the data did not go back to the LMS. The LMS is functioning properly.Here are my questions - 1. We are using submit score/test at the end of the test - we have had a few users close the browser on the 2nd to last screen in the test because they were on one of those "can you think of anything else" essay questions and they thought it was over when in fact, the submit score/test happened on the next screen. Is it possible to submit the score/test in every screen of the test so that no matter what happened, we captured as much data as possible?2. In the online documentation, it states that short answer/essay dont work (search on creating a test), but we have been using them successfully. Is the documentation wrong/out-of-date or are we living on the edge - so-to-speak.

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