Reference List.
December 8, 2004 12:00 AM
I have re-read the documentation (Lectora 2004 enterprise SP3) several times regarding references. I am able to add a reference list to my title, but then after that I am completely stumped.The documentation states "Almost every object properties dialog box includes a tab for references. Adding a reference list at any point gathers those references together in a list."Sounds good but I checked the object properties of text blocks (a logical place for references I would think), but nothing there.So please give me a clue. Thanks.
Discussion (2)
Great and thank you!That solves my first problem. Here is a follow up. How do I hide/show the references? Ideally, I want to display a sidebar (in a frame) that has a hyperlink that when clicked, displays the References. Also, the references need to display in a different frame than where the hyperlink is. Any thoughts on this?
Within text blocks, you add a reference like you add a hyperlink. Highlight the text that has the reference and then press the button that looks like a dashed line with a superscript 2 after it. Fill out the reference info, and then the "quote" that you highlighted now has a reference. In runmode (or when published to HTML), clicking on the quote will tke you to the next reference list in the title (if there is one).Tim V.
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