SCORM 2004 - Report Results to LMS

I would imagine this is a simple question, but I just can't locate the answer....I haven't used SCORM 2004 and have a question from a client....they want to use the SCORM 2004 report to see how people answer each question. (I thought the only difference with SCORM 1.2 & 2004 was the complete/incomplete & pass/failed/unknown).

Is this something I set in Lectora and if so, what do I check? Or does it automatically happen when I publish SCORM 2004. They are using SuccessFactors and Lectora 16.

There are 24 questions with a lowest passing score of 0.

Discussion (3)

"Depends on the LMS, but most of them will get that data automatically from the title and then allow the user to access it in the LMS somewhere. For example, CourseMill puts it in the Reports you can run by Course or Student."

Perfect! Thanks Jennifer! Looking forward to seeing you at LUC17 this week! :)

On the SCORM options tab when publishing there's a check box that you can turn on to pass Question-related information "

According to the Help documentation it stores:

  • Question text (CourseMill and SCORM 2004 systems)
  • User's answer
  • Whether the user's answer is correct or not
  • Time the question was answered
  • Amount of time the user spent on the page containing the answer

I'm not familiar with SuccessFactors (or SCORM 2004 for that matter) to say where the information would be pulled into. My best guess is a report filter. I'll ask around to see if anyone knows for certain.

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