Relational Scripting (better cripting)
August 12, 2005 12:00 AM
In my attempts to make toggle buttons with relational actions like the list below, I have found some serious inefficiencies with how the current action builds are created:* Click Menu and it highlights. If read button is toggled on, it toggles off.* Click Read button and it highlights, If menu button is toggled on, it toggles off.* Clicking either of these buttons will toggle it's state to the opposite.What a serious pain. You should see the chain of actions I have created to make this work. And the delays I have to enter to make sure the cascades work...It would be easier for me to create these in Flash, and feed state via parameter. But I really expected it to be easier in Lectora than it is.What I'm asking for: A script editor for built to add sequential and related scripts. I'd love something like the ECMA implementation used by the Flash IDE. As it stands now all actions are essentially isolated and created individually.Steve
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