Drive ALL through external styles
September 26, 2005 12:00 AM
All that can be driven anyway.For the next version, I'd like to suggest that all text styles (at least text styles) be driven via an external style sheet, and that this style sheet be drawn from even in the authoring environment (CSS saved along with the awt file, and drawn in when the awt is opened).This would be extended into the XML import / export, which now uses stacks of RTF codes to determine styles. Let Lectora do the translation of CSS / HTML to RTF if it is necessary.I go back to the Global CSS Styles suggestion, and it would be great to have this drive the styles of specific text blocks as well (x, y location and size). So I could change all of my title settings, subtitle settings, body and caption settings all before I opened Lectora in a text editor. And, since Lectora draws on the stylesheet for all style settings (and uses this same file for HTML generation) when I open the Authoring tool, all of the settings I changed in the style sheet apply across the entire title - Wala!Edited By: sflowers on 38621.3740393519
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