LMSSetValue Error: Data Model Element Type Mismatch
November 5, 2012 12:00 AM
I get this message right before it goes to my last page = LMSSetValue Error: Data Model Element Type Mismatch
On my last page I have 2 actions (below) to set completion status for my SCORM 2004 course. Why am I getting this message? Thank you so much for any suggestions.
Show, Modify Variable, AICC_Lesson_Status, Value: completed
Show, Modify Variable, CMI_Completion_Status, Value: completed
Discussion (21)
I have the same problem. The module was published in SCORM 2004. If you publish to Scorm 2004 you need two action at laste page or page where the module would be set to completed.
We used the two actions advised by Trivantis:
On: Show
Action: Modify variable
Variable: AICC_Lesson_Status
Value: passed
Could you someone explain to me why this error occurs? Please let me know.

Did someone solve this issue? I have the same problem
LMSSetValue Error: Data Model Element Type Mismatch
As far as I know CMI_Completion_Status is Scorm 2004 and AICC_Lesson_Status is Scorm 1.2, both doing the same, i.e. sending the status a user has achieved for the module. The Scorm versions use different Data Models, so you could try to remove one of the actions depending on which Scorm version you publish to.
Scorm2004 is infamous for errors and buggy behaviour. Do use Scorm1.2 or if you really need the extra benefits use xApi. Skip 2004, most of the industry does.
I am getting the same error: LMSSetValue Error: Data Model Element Type Mismatch
Does anyone have a solution for it?
I have a check box on the last page of the e-learning.
Trigger : Select
Action: Modify variable
Target: AICC_Lesson_Status
Value: completed.
Thanks in advance.
It's mentioned up higher in this thread: SCORM 2004 doesn't use AICC_Lesson_Status. Use CMI_Completion_Status instead.
I am not making any changes to the variable - this is just generated by Lectora Online when publishing to SCORM 2004.
I'm not an expert, but the message:
LMSSetValue Error: cmi.session_time to [PT0H0M14S] Data Model Element Type Mismatch.
would seem to say that you're trying to set a time value to the odd string value "PToHoM14S". I think I see that Ho would be hours, M minutes, and S seconds, but what would P or To be? I wonder if that's a format type that your new LMS does not recognize but the old one did.
Then the second message:
LMSSetValue Error: adl.nav.request to [exit] Data Model Element is Read Only.
That seems to indicate that the new LMS just plain won't let you set the session time--it can only be set automatically by the LMS, if I am guessing correctly. Are you changing that SCORM variable with an action, or is it something Lectora generated?
Hi, We are testing a potential new LMS, and I am encountering an error on the SCORM 2004 files that we currently use with no errors on a different LMS. This comes up when I try to exit the course:
LMSSetValue Error: cmi.session_time to [PT0H0M14S] Data Model Element Type Mismatch.
When closing the error popup message, an additional error message is displayed:
LMSSetValue Error: adl.nav.request to [exit] Data Model Element is Read Only.
Any suggestions on how to fix these errors would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
This seems to be a correctly formatted value of cmi.session_time for Scorm 2004. It means 0 Hours, 0 Minutes, 14 seconds. P could be followed by values for Years, Months and Days.
Data Model Element Type Mismatch
This means that the formatting does not match the Scorm version. In Scorm 1.2 for example the same time should be formatted as "00:00:14.0"
Are you sure, you publish to the same Scorm version the LMS expects?
Hi Flavia,
I wonder if you got an answer regarding the LMSSetValue Error: cmi.session_time to [PT0H0M14S]
In debugging a SCORM 2004 course that is not sending time values to the LMS I am finding the same issue.
Hope you were able to resolve.
This has been a long topic. We are seeing this error in our LMS for SCORM 2004 4th edition. We know our LMS is not fully compatible with any version of 2004, so is this why we are seeing this error. Sometimes it is not a problem, but lately we have noticed that these elements are not being written to the database. It looks like the activity is trying to send it, but the LMS database refuses it because of the data mismatch.
Is my interpretation correct?
Why not use SCORM 1.2? Is there a specific reason why 2004 must be used? We've avoided 2004 because of this very reason.
The next jump we'll make is to xAPI in time.
The data element is not written to our database only when certain characters appear in the question or the learner's response. All the other data elements are written successfully. We are using 2004 because of the SUSPEND DATA limits in 1.2
We have also continued with SCORM 1.2. 2004 offers no advantage for us, and you aren't the only person to report compatibility problems.
We are using SCORM 2004 because our course designers told us they are having problems with limits on Resume data when using 1.2.
How are you working around that limit in 1.2 ?
Tbh. I've never hit the 4096 character count that is listed as the max for the
, and I don't think we will ever hit it.
SCORM Run-Time Reference Chart for SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004
Have you had issues in the past that required you to go for the additional size of 64000 characters in the suspend_data field? We've had some pretty beefy modules in the past 2 yrs, but have had zero problems with users leaving and returning at the same spot.
We started having trouble after updating many of our modules to make them accessible. After we added closed captioning we had many reports of people who were not able to resume an attempt at the correct location. They also noticed some suspend limit errors in the scorm debug. That is why we started publishing in 2004. Did not encounter errors until we recently found that certain characters that appear in either the question or the learner response are not written to the database. So either the question text is missing or the response is missing and those items are important for our research.
Thank you, but our LMS is not compliant with xAPI either.
I am certain that they published the updates with closed captioning to 1.2. first and that is when problems increased with people not being able to resume correctly. That is when they decided to export to 2004. Doing that improved the problems with people being able to resume correctly, but the problem with not being able to send questions and responses to the database when they contain certain normally used characters like ( ), line breaks, colons and hyphens.
Adding closed captioning should not have caused that and is probably a red herring. I suspect that when your team started updating the content, they weren't publishing to the 1.2 and maybe to a newer, defaulted version of data (xAPI) like
is eluding to.