Lectora 2006 Translation Tool

Has anyone used the Translation Tool in Lectora 2006 yet? I am having my first experience with it converting an all English assessment into Portuguese. After importing the .rtf file we had translated I am experiencing the following problems:1. Any text field that had a Change Contents action associated with it no longer functions.2. When published to html and/or tested in html, by using the new preview title in web browser button, every text entry that was translated into Portuguese has the following character following the translated text:<0}3. Also, as explained in number 2, in html, some of the English text remains. For example: (This is a cut and paste from the actual title after publishing to html.Copyright ¬© 2006 Harnischfeger Corporation.<0} {0>All rights reserved.<}100{>Todos os direitos reservados.<0} {0>All materials contained herein are protected by United States copyright law and international treaties, and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of Harnischfeger Corporation.<}100{>Todo o material aqui contido est?° protegido pela lei de direitos autorais dos Estados Unidos e tratados internacionais, e n?£o pode ser reproduzido, distribu??do, transmitido, exibido, publicado ou veiculado sem a pr?©via autoriza?ß?£o da Harnischfeger Corporation.<0} {0>You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.<}100{>Voc?™ n?£o pode alterar ou remover marcas comerciais, direitos autorais ou outras notifica?ß?µes das c?? pias do conte??do.<0} {0>All rights in translations of these materials shall remain exclusively with Harnischfeger Corporation.<}100{>Todos os direitos de tradu?ß?£o deste material ser?£o exclusivamente mantidos pela Harnischfeger Corporation.<0}4. When previewing the title, as it would be published on CD, for example, all of the text looks good but the Change Contents items were still not functioning properly.Am I doing something wrong? Has anyone else experienced this problem? How can I correct it?Thanks,Griffin

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