July 14 Pot Luck Discussion

Hello Everyone!

I'm going to send an e-mail invitation for Friday July 14 for an open discussion of the LAUG. Bill, Vicki, and Sandy posted some good questions here on the Forum. Let's dig into those further. Afterward, maybe we can post some concrete ideas, solutions, etc. to the original posts.

Please watch your inbox for the invitation.

NOTE: To receive meeting invitations, you must register with the group at http://www.thelaug.org

Discussion (2)

In addition to the topics mentioned in my invite (i.e., Lectora Description box and accessibility for a variety of users), I have an example of small JavaScript that can be used to improve accessibility.

Here is a link to the recording for today's LAUG 7-14-17 Open Discussion. 


The attached PPT was used to guide our discussion and includes related screen shots. If you have any trouble with this file, please contact me directly.

A couple of highlights from this session... at our next meeting (August 4, 2017) our topic will be utilizing Camtasia to create Closed Captions. You'll hear discussion on this in the recording. and then, we'll get going on discussions related to the different Testing Standards (e.g., DHS). Date to be determined.

If you have ANY experience with either of these topics, please join these meetings.

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