Lectora 18.1 Beta Test - Screen Readers can see Initially Hidden Objects

Hello Everyone:

In case you're not on my direct e-mail list, you may not know that a BETA test is currently in progress for testing a new accessibility feature in Lectora 18. This update (which LAUG members are invited to beta test) allows initially hidden text, shapes, buttons and Lightbox Popups to be recognized by screen readers once they are displayed.

If you would like to participate in this beta testing, send an e-mail to Laura Silver at Trivantis. laura.silver@trivantis.com

Also, if you would like to be informed of LAUG monthly open discussions (Jan through Oct) and other opportunities like the beta testing, please fill out the LAUG registration form at http://thelaug.org/join.html

Fingers crossed that all goes well with the testing and we'll soon have a product we will be poised to use CREATIVELY!


Christine O'Malley

LAUG Group Leader

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