WCAG 2.0 Video Controller Accessiblity Check
July 17, 2017 12:00 AM
I've been meaning to ask...
When running the Accessibility check in Lectora - what does this mean?
- "Verify that the controller overlay option is turned off for the video(s)"
I don't recognize what this is referring to - nor do I know how to make sure it is turned off.
Thank you kindly!
Discussion (7)
It means the player or control bar is visible when your mouse is over the video, otherwise it is hidden.
Yes I think we should reword that message and that option!
Ah ha! Thank you Laura - now I picture exactly what you're referring to. I've seen that. Proof that sometimes it helps to describe even the obvious :-)
I think maybe I need a visual on this...tried the link but not a direct hit. I just can't picture it.
getting closer! ... On mouse over, it "only shows the video player"... forgive my ignorance. Does that mean the control bar would be missing?
Hi Christine,
This is the "Rollover" video property that when selected only shows the video player when you roll your mouse over the video. Since this is mouse-dependent, it is not accessible and should not be used.
It's described here in the help: http://trivantis.com/help/Lectora/17/ENG/Lectora_Help/index.html#2500.html
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