How to create a portfolio?
May 17, 2016 12:00 AM
As I've been creating courses in Lectora, I'd like to compile them into a portfolio. I'm not sure the best way to do that. Can anyone offer any guidance in what to do? I appreciate your help!
Discussion (9)
Yes, you will have access to the community as long as it exists.
Upload them to the Community. It provides structure and the resulting portfolio will be accessible via this link:
Alternatively, you can start a blog on Wordpress or Tumblr and upload courses there. Or create an Instagram account, add course screenshots and link to the courses hosted on e.g. Dropbox or Google Drive.
Thanks Sergey! Will I always have access to the community, even after I leave my current position and no longer have Lectora access? Maybe that's a question for Jennifer Valley. I'd hate to lose access to my portfolio just because I changed jobs. If I were to upload to a website, how do I do that? Click Publish to HTML, but then how do I put that project on a website.
Sorry for the basic questions. Thanks for your patience!
I have a blog post coming out soon that talks about using the community as a portfolio. If you're not already be sure to subscribe to get notified when content is added. I think it's coming out the 24th.....
Hi, I'm trying to find the answer to a question what do you do when you publish a course as an HTML. How do you publish it to a WordPress site?
I've graduated SCORM and LMS but now I got a new challenge..:) basic one I guess but still a challenge at this moment.
undefined's not working!!
and it looks like it's simple but even my IT was completely confused do you put Lectora course published as html on a wordpress site?
ahhh...ok! got it!!
unzip/upload index/put that url/done
it's inspiring just to ask a question
I do think Wordpress has several Scorm plugins, so you can actually make a working course and add that.
I am sure there are more...had it on my server a while ago...
So you can make a perfect LMS of Wordpress... allthough that might be a bit too much effort...
As for adding HTML content i do think its possible by FTP-ing the content to a specified folder and then creating a hyperlink in a Wordpress page that links to that..
I use to use a public Google Drive but they recently went through and changed the permissions for hosting HTML content. I might also suggest outputting it as Offline and then upload it onto the page. There are quite a few plugins to help with that. That way the person can run the file locally. I've never personally tested Math's suggestion for SCORM plugins but that sounds plausible as well.
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