Making buttons appear when audio finishes playing
February 26, 2016 12:00 AM
I think I have it set up right, but it's not cooperating. I'm trying to have an audio clip play, and when the clip finishes playing, have the Next button appear. I'm going to attach a screenshot of what I see as well as the ZIP file of the project.

Discussion (4)
Hi, Alexis. I was only able to investigate using version 12.1.4 for now so I'm not sure if version 16 changes anything but it seems you've run smack dab into the dreaded Flash Player security issue. Your project will run fine if based off a server (I tested it). You can try the fix Math Notermans provided here. If that does not work, or you cannot find the right update to uninstall, you can do the following:
Open the control panel. Select Flash Player (32 bit). In the popup that opens select the Advanced tab. Click on the "Trusted Local Settings" button. Now click add and either select the folder (usually My Titles) that you save all your published files to or just select the hard drive root (i.e. C:\). That will fix the problem and your project will run as is. The only issue is it will not help if run locally on other peoples computers unless the same fixes are employed on them.
Your project is very nice and it ran smoothly on my computer. I noticed that you are using Waveform audio Format Files, better know an 'wave' files because of the extension (.wav). These are usually uncompressed and very large. I suggest you convert them to mp3 format files. As an added bonus, if you open the .wav files in the built-in audio editor you can embed an event at the very end of the file and attach the show next button action to it (via sync events). If you do this you will not have to add the onDone actions. Also, if you wish, you could place the next button on the title level with the other navigation buttons and it will work just as you have it working now; no need to add the button and action to each page. I think you already have an action on the pages without audio that shows the next button when the question is answered, if not you'll have to add it. Of course you do not have to do any of these things as your project runs perfectly as is :-). It's when projects get huge that these types of resource management may help in keeping things running well.
You might want to try John Blackmon's method to force the browser(s) to use their internal HTML5 player instead of the default Flash player as described here. If you do, convert to MP3 first as Internet Explorer's HTML5 player does not support .wav files. I have not had the time to try this yet.
I know just how you feel. This stuff can get frustrating, especially if its needed on a tight schedule. The lesson you put together should work just fine off the LMS. I'm going to make an assumption from reading a few of your other posts that for this project you want to prohibit the user from skipping any page with audio. The way you solved it works just great. Another option would be to have the next button always there but initially disabled. Then you can enable it at will, like after the audio completes.
Thanks Darrel. It's my second designed course and it's due tomorrow. (I got it on Friday, so yes, definitely a tight schedule.) Yes, that's exactly what I was trying to do, prevent the user from skipping the audio. Thanks again for your patience and help!
Thanks Darrel. I think I'm going to go without having the next button appear (and just have it there all the time). I plan to upload this to my LMS, if that helps anything, but I can't get it to run in Review Link right now, so I'm just about ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
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