Development Submission Template

Hello-I am also relatively new to this site (and Lectora) and love it! I am currently the only design & developer within my company using Lectora (there are only two of us anyway). But, we have an employee base of 3500+. With that being said, I have many departments and groups wanting programs developed for them. Does anyone have a good template for asking (getting) information that assist with the design? I am not the SME for groups like Safety, Food & Beverage, etc. and want to make sure they understand I am here to make it look good/put it together for them...not to know and understand OSHA and DOT, etc. If they have PPTs already developed, I have just been asking for questions & a script...but any other ideas? Thanks!ChrisEdited By: cpaxton on 2008-10-30 21:10:13

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