CourseMill Training

Besides the Help button, is there any training materials for CourseMill? For the End User and/or the Administrators?

Discussion (3)

Look in CourseMill under the left hand side under Links. You should have an administrator's guide. I also pulled in a Programmer-API from their website.

To add them if you do not have them: Go to Manage Properties undefined Property: OptionalMenuItem0

Double click on this line and add the link below.

Admin Guide=

If it helps you, you can add this second link to OptionalMenuItem1


They will then show up in CM under "Links"

Click and go!


Dana- I read you message and started using this weeks ago, but hadn't had a chance to respond with a big THANK YOU!!!

This is exactly what I needed and much appreciated!!!

Hey, just passing on the info. If you are out there Nick Haven.

We both thank you.

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