Alternative Object Tree

John, I agree with you wholeheartedly. Here are some workarounds until they decide to fix it. Whether you have 2005 or 2006, These two things would shorten your list by 11 objects.1. You can attach all the actions that set the page number to the page number text block. Likewise for the one that shows the page name. 2. Now I am just guessing here but it looks like you have transparent buttons for Intro, Fundamental, ...Summary overlaying the 5 tabs. You could attach actions to the tab objects to make them do the same things and eliminate the 6 buttons objects.2006 onlyYou can group almost all those items into a single group (if you have 2006). 3. Make sure you have NOT excluded from inheritance any objects in the groups. 4. Do not include Prev and Next buttons because you will have to exclude the Next button on the last page and the Prev button on the first page. cheers, benEdited By: bpitman on 2006-3-4 14:26:5

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