Aligning Questions

Uh, not sure what you mean? Align what with what? I am going to guess you are talking about aligning objects, not the text within the text boxes.What version of Lectora do you have? I have 2006 and so these solutions may or may not work for earlier versions.Align The Entire Question with Something Else on the PageIf you are talking about all the parts of the question, click on the ? in the left pane to select the entire question (all the choices, boxes/buttons, and the question text, and any images) You can drag this anywhere. With Lectora 2006, using the guides is helpful.Align Objects Within the Question ONLYIf you want to just move one or two objects within the question, begin by clicking in an unused portion of the page to deselect the question. Then you have several alternatives:1. Click on each one you want on the page while holding the control key down. 2. Click on each one you want in the left pane while holding the control key down. 3. Click and hold in an unused portion of the page and drag over the objects you want to select.Then click any of the alignment icons (top, bottom, left, right, space, center)Align Objects Within the Question with Objects Outside the QuestionOK, now it is harder. Lectora does not seem to let you select objects from within and objects outside the question using alternatives 1 and 2 above. However, alternative 3 DOES work.By the way, this same technique also works for aligning objects inside and outside a group.Now, if none of these work for you, I guess I didn't understand your question. Please clarify.cheers, ben

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