Aligning Questions

Building question pages automatically? Might be, haven't heard of one. With a little work I might be able to do it using Word Mail Merge and an Excel SS. Seems that Lectora can Import XML. So I would start with a very basic 2 page template just so I could see what changed from 1 page to the next. Each page had one multiple choice question with the say standard 4 possible choices. Export to XML. Open with browser by double clicking to see the organization. Then open with Notepad, copy the unique stuff and paste into Word. Identify all the things that need to change (Question text, choice text, which one is the correct answer.) Build a spread sheet with one column for each thing. Key in your questions to Excel. Mail merge generating the pages. Paste back into the orig. XML and import. Excel will have to generate all the different IDs used in the XML and there seem to be quite a few but still manageable.Using different question types might be tricky. Take me about a day I would guess and I have never touched XML. cheers, ben

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