21 questions from 7 subject areas
May 6, 2024 1:43 PM
to prepare for a written exam, a Lectora test contains 140 questions from 7 subject areas. The special thing is that Lectora should randomly select 3 questions from each subject area, for a total of 21 questions. For simplicity's sake, let's call the topic areas A, B, C, D, E, F, G. It's not clear to me how I can assign the 140 questions to the topics in Lectora Desktop (perhaps via a group); It is also not clear to me how Lectora can be made to randomly select 3 questions from each of the 7 subject areas. Does anyone perhaps have an idea? Thank you.
We have something similar to this.
The topic areas - A through G, should be sections in a test (Section A, Section B, etc). Each section should have at least three questions in it. Then, on the top ribbon under 'Test Section,' select 'Behavior' and set it to randomly select three pages from the section. Once the learner is presented with three questions from that section it will move on to the next section.
Discussion (5)
We have something similar to this.
The topic areas - A through G, should be sections in a test (Section A, Section B, etc). Each section should have at least three questions in it. Then, on the top ribbon under 'Test Section,' select 'Behavior' and set it to randomly select three pages from the section. Once the learner is presented with three questions from that section it will move on to the next section.
Hi @struitt - thanks for sharing your solution. It works great!
Have you ever played with dynamically setting the value for how many questions are displayed from each section?
For example: managers get 3 from each section but junior staff only get 2 (or some other combination). We can get the user type from the AICC data but I'm having difficulty finding where in the javascript it sets the value for number of questions in each section.
In our dream world we would have just 1 large question pool from which we can dynamically draw the correct combination of questions based on who is taking the exam
I have now created the test in Lectora. There are 7 tests from 7 subject areas. Each test has 15 questions. 3 questions are randomly selected from each test. It is implemented as described in the solution (many thanks for that). To ensure that Lectora does not terminate and evaluate after answering the 3 questions from test area A, the behavior of tests A - F must be adjusted so that after the questions on A, you are simply redirected to questions B (regardless of whether test A was passed or failed). For test G (the last test), either the "Passed" or "Failed" page is displayed after answering the 3 questions. Since Lectora uses variables reserved for tests (identified by the _Score ending), you can, for example, add these variables together and divide them by the number of tests. In my case, this then gives the pass rate. For Lectora, a test always starts with the page number displayed on page 1. This can confuse the learner if he is asked to answer 20 questions and uses the page number for orientation. Page number 1 is displayed on every fourth page. Since the random generator does not know which questions Lectora will select, it is not useful to set a fixed page number for the questions. Solution: The reserved variables PageInChapter and PagesInChapter help here. To start with, we set a variable (page, for example) to Set = 1. With each click on the next page, this variable was increased by the value 1. To ensure that Lectora does not increase this value by 1 on the 20th page (reminder: 20 questions must be answered), the condition was set to: ... if PageInChapter is less than PagesInChapter. I hope that Google has translated my German text in a way that is understandable. Regards
I have not. Mainly because as time goes on I see us using Lectora less and less (for various reasons).