
CSS class to a Lectora-group


Lectora input fields can be assigned a CSS class using Javascript. The HTML object ID is supplemented with the abbreviation “id” and then it works. Is there a way to assign a CSS class to a Lectora group using Javascript? With the Lectora HTML object ID for groups (og...) I tried using the two letters "id" at the end, but somehow that doesn't work. On the other hand, in Lectora an entire group can e.g. hidden with a transition. The contents of the group are not selected individually; I only have to assign the transition to the group once. Maybe someone knows a solution. Thank you.


(translated with Google)


You can call any group ( with an action in it ) by using this syntax.


Where the og123456 number ofcourse is the groups HTMLName.

It is ofcourse annoying to note all HTMLNames for to overcome that quite a while ago this script was made.

Add this Javascript code at start of a page/project ( i use Lectora Online, there are some differences in Publisher ) will give any group ( og ) in Lectora a prefix so it can be easily selected... and acted upon.

// set whatever prefix you want to use for object names that will map to their HTML object
var objectPrefix = "EDU";

var chlds = getDisplayDocument().head.childNodes;
for (var i=0;i<chlds.length;i++)
	if (chlds[i].tagName && chlds[i].tagName.toLowerCase().indexOf('script')>-1 && 
	  chlds[i].innerHTML && chlds[i].innerHTML.indexOf('trivWeb20Popups')>-1 )
	  var re = new RegExp("var\\s*([^\\s]*).*//("+objectPrefix+"[^\\s]*)",'g');
    var s = chlds[i].innerHTML;
    s.replace(re, function(match, g1, g2) { 

Give your groups proper names with the prefix in it.

Then you can call...


Discussion (2)

mmh now I'll find an answer about CSS and Lectora groups afterwards. Well, better twice than never. Thanks.

You can call any group ( with an action in it ) by using this syntax.


Where the og123456 number ofcourse is the groups HTMLName.

It is ofcourse annoying to note all HTMLNames for to overcome that quite a while ago this script was made.

Add this Javascript code at start of a page/project ( i use Lectora Online, there are some differences in Publisher ) will give any group ( og ) in Lectora a prefix so it can be easily selected... and acted upon.

// set whatever prefix you want to use for object names that will map to their HTML object
var objectPrefix = "EDU";

var chlds = getDisplayDocument().head.childNodes;
for (var i=0;i<chlds.length;i++)
	if (chlds[i].tagName && chlds[i].tagName.toLowerCase().indexOf('script')>-1 && 
	  chlds[i].innerHTML && chlds[i].innerHTML.indexOf('trivWeb20Popups')>-1 )
	  var re = new RegExp("var\\s*([^\\s]*).*//("+objectPrefix+"[^\\s]*)",'g');
    var s = chlds[i].innerHTML;
    s.replace(re, function(match, g1, g2) { 

Give your groups proper names with the prefix in it.

Then you can call...
