XML import/Export Documentation.

We would like to dynamically build a page in a title from information stored in a database. We were thinking it would be possible to do this by modifying the xml of our template.The features would include:namelink and a checkmarkIf this is not possible please let me know.Thank you,Simon

Discussion (5)

Is this a runtime or design time building of a page? I suspect you want to dynamically design a page during runnig of a course ... we do this with ASP pages (that's how the CourseMill interface was created).The XML import/export feature of Lectora is a design-time feature set.Tim

CourseMill is our SCORM compliant LMS. It's not a full blown LMS with all the bells and whistles, but on the bright side it's about a tenth the cost of those full blown LMS'.Tim

Creating a checkmark and a persistent varible are totally separate from XML import/export. What are you really trying to do?TimV

Is there documentation on using XML import and export?For example I want to create a new page that has a checkmark on it. In this example I assume I would need to create the checkmark object as well as the variable that holds the checkmark value.Any suggestions for this or documentation would be great.Thanks,Simon

We plan to do this in at design time.Can coursemill create courses all online?SP

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