What scenario am I editing again? I can't tell.

From the development environment, if you are editing a scenario you have no way to find out which scenario it is. The title bar just says "CenarioVR." This is a problem because of CVR's lack of built-in version control--I have to keep making copies of my scenarios just in case I make a mistake (partly because of CVR's lack of complete implementation of Undo). I have found myself making changes to what's supposed to be an archive version several times.

So ... can the scenario name be visible somewhere in the CVR developer interface?

Why yes, I do use these boards largely to suggest UX improvements. It's my thing.

Discussion (4)

If CVR added a variable for scene title, you could add a fixed position info card with that in.

Could you? Is there a way to incorporate a variable into an info card? Hadn't noticed one. However, in any case, that should be part of the window.

If CVR added a variable for scene title, you could add a fixed position info card with that in.

Variable substitution is how variables can be shown to the user, and also used for any action or condition that can take a string as input. The basic concept is that using the name of a variable surrounded by the percent symbol will be substituted for the value of the variable at runtime. The variable name between the percent symbols is not case sensitive. So, for instance, if you had a variable named "MyVar", and you wanted to show it in an info card, you can can reference it as %myvar%. When running, you'll see that the actual value of the variable is displayed.

I'm very familiar with variable substitution, as a long-time Lectora developer. I just didn't realize it was available in CVR. Thanks, good to know.